Through the creation of our Remote Learning Portal, our school community has thrived during the COVID-19 crisis. Our teachers, staff, and students have shown incredible creativity and ingenuity to develop an even stronger community.
Remote Learning at Hill Country Christian School
12124 RR 620 North, Austin, Texas 78750 • Phone: (512) 515-3602
12124 RR 620 North, Austin, Texas 78750
Phone: (512) 515-3602
Fax: (512) 257-4190
Holley Loveday, Hill Country Christian School Parent
"I consider our investment in education at Hill Country maybe the best investment we’ve ever made.
Certainly in preparing them for college and work life after Hill Country, but more importantly in the development of their characters and the refining and nurturing of their walks with Christ."
What will your students learn about truth? Is it important to you that they learn to think both critically and biblically across all subject areas?
Why Parents Choose Hill Country Christian
Looking for the best school for your family?
Who will your students be influenced by? What qualities would you like to see in teachers, administrators, and even their fellow peers?
What resources will be available to your child as they prepare for the next steps of college and life beyond? Will they have the support needed to face challenges and reach their potential?
Call Us! (512) 515-3602
Our Parent Info Packet Helps You
Choose Wisely
*Indicates required field
Free E-book:
Four Questions for Parents
Complete the form for more information about choosing a school for your child.
From kindergarten to 12th grade, students spend approximately 17,000 hours in school. Add in extracurricular activities, and your child could easily be spending more time on campus than at home. Without a doubt, their learning community will shape who they become. That’s why choosing the right school is so important to you. It’s also why we’ve created this free e-book — to help you think through the big questions related to:
Download the e-book for more tips on deciding where your child will spend their 17,000 hours.